Thursday, October 30, 2008

Roads and stars

I have chosen a rocky path for myself. I seem to enjoy doing that. I can't take the easy road, the well traveled road, the path of least resistance. I have to stand out somehow. Do something different. I'm a little crazy that way.

I could blame it on my astrology. In the Chinese tradition I am a Wood Snake. The fact that female snakes are the most alluring of the zodiac explains some things about me and my physical desires. On a deeper level, we are also inclined towards the abstract and are unusually gifted with deep intuitions. I am always coming up with unusual ideas and go more on my feeling about a situation than hard facts.

My Chinese element is Wood which symbolizes imagination, creativity and idealism. I always feel that things should be better than they are and am bored if I'm unable to be creative. Repetition is a killer to my spirit. Wood likes to move upward and outward so I am always looking into making things bigger, more inclusive, more powerful.

In the Western tradition, I am Aquarius. Our motto is similar to Einstein's: "Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." I am always frustrated by the comments of others that it's too much, too hard, too big. Aquarians dance to their own drum beat and love new concepts and ideas. Due to that, my challenge is to separate what seems fun and interesting from what is really important. Day to day is not my forte, thinking and dreaming of my ideal is more my cache. Whether or not it ever gets done is less important than the dream. Now THAT explains a lot about why I have so many partly finished ideas laying about.

One thing that made me laugh is that my ruling planet is Uranus. Uranus is the weirdest planet in the solar system. Its north pole faces the Sun and its Moons spin around it backwards. As such, Uranus symbolizes the eccentric and unique things in our lives. It is associated with brilliance, even if short-lived. Anyone who knows me will say that I'm a little different. I simply can't abide being like anyone else. Whether it's the car I drive, the not found in nature colors in my hair or wearing 4" heels even though I'm 6' tall, I just can't be "normal"!

I can now blame Uranus for my freedom seeking personality as it encourages us to rebel against social injustices and to seek freedom of expression in our lives. I've been told that I am a freedom seeker. The more I get to know myself, the more I realize this is true.

I am big on self expression. My work and research into Sensuality has helped me realize that it is one and the same. I am often told that I am very Sensual. That is because I am self expressive. They mirror each other.

Being a Snake, I am also highly sexual, but that's another topic for another day.

At one time I didn't put much stock in astrology. I would read the descriptions and say "that's not me!" Now I read them and I grin. Now that I really know myself and am unafraid of being who I truly am, they are remarkably accurate.

So, thanks to the stars and planets, I'm a little off beat. That's why I keep taking these odd roads. And it's why I'm going to make a difference in the world. I am so looking forward to really following through with this dream. I have a lot of great support and have learned a lot about what I need to do. I am an idea gal. I have big plans. And I want to share them with you and help you realize your big dreams and plans.

I believe that it's easy to take the road behind others. It's certainly less stressful. But somewhere down the road, someone goes off on their own. They create a new path. It's harder, it's a little insane, but someone has to be first. Will you follow?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Last week I was introduced, via the web, to Patty Contenta. Her website caught my eye when I was doing key word searches for my own site - the soon to be up and running I loved what Patty had to say that " The TRUE 'ideal woman' is a woman who embraces all that she is...…every aspect of herself. She LOVES herself. All of it!"

We are certainly on the same page when it comes to that! In addition, Patty helps women get in touch with their sensuality through body language. I bought her eBook "Sensuality Secrets" and have been experimenting with a few of the techniques. She claims that using them will attract men like flies no matter your size, shape or attractiveness because it shows your self confidence.

As I mentioned last week, I discovered in reading Patty's work that I already unconsciously do a lot of the techniques, but now I am playing with them consciously to see what happens.

Last night I was in a pub with a male friend. There was a hockey game so other than myself and the waitstaff, pretty much everyone in the place was male. Personally being completely uninterested in hockey, I was glad to have good company who, although a fan, is a considerate one.

For those of you who may not be from Canada, and especially Edmonton, let me tell you that this is one hockey crazy town. The 9 month hockey season (or however long it truly is) is an interminable thorn in my side, but to most it's lifeblood. So to get a man's attention when a game is on is no small feat of femininity.

I already have the attention of my friend so there was no need to experiment on him. Rather, when he left for a several minutes, I started to consciously use Patty's touching techniques. I sat at the table seemingly causually running my fingers, more specifically the middle, along the side of my face, along my jawline and neck and across my clavicle. I did this repeatedly and in several different ways. I was enjoying the motion, of being in touch with myself in a way that was simple and essentially non-sexual.

Well, my darlings, the technique certainly works! When I took the time to look around I noticed at least 2 men watching intently. I continued for a short time longer until my friend returned and I began to feel a little silly as I wasn't looking to attract anyone else to the table.

Still, thank you Patty for such a simple technique that works! Girls, if you're looking to attract that man watching the game on the other side of the bar, start touching your face, neck and clavicle with your middle finger. Do it slowly, sensually and with enjoyment of yourself and he won't be able to keep his eyes off you!

Happy experimenting!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The land of discovery

I have neglected my blog for some time. In the intervening months (oh my, months!) I have done a lot of searching and discovering about myself and what I want. For any growing person, this is an ongoing process. After all, if you're not growing, you're dieing. And I'd much rather be doing the former.

The growth process can be uncomfortable or even painful - just ask any adolescent. It can also be exhilarating and awe inspiring. Or sometimes both at the same time. Coming out the other side and looking back is certainly a big part of the fun. The problem is, we don't often take time to do that part of the process. Celebrating how far we've come, what we've learned, what we've accomplished.

So here's to reflection.

I sometimes need others to show me how far I've come. Thankfully there are a lot of people who have been around for some time and have seen the changes I have gone through and can help remind me how much I've changed. I am often told how much more present I am or how much more confident or outgoing or simply how much better I am at showing up whether in private or public.

I have such a passion for helping women discover their truth, their beauty, their expression, their sensuality. I was asked recently where this came from. My stock answer is that I spent a long time living by other people's standards, not being who I really am and being miserable because I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working and why I wasn't happy. Well, duh! Because I wasn't true to my inner self, my soul's desire, my truth. Once I started to discover that and live in it, I became happier and more fulfilled.

Then I began to reflect more on that question and an even more basic reason came to light. I spent most of my life not only living a lie, but also thinking I was unattractive and unfeminine. My sister was the pretty one, I was the strong one. I took on a lot of male characteristics, even wanting to be a boy when I was younger. I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 19 and then I simply glommed onto the first loser who expressed interest, even going so far as getting engaged. Thank GOD I came to my senses before any papers were signed!

It wasn't until very recently that I discovered my feminine self. My sensuality. My feminine power. Now I can honestly say I'm damn HOT! And I want to show every woman no matter what she looks like that she can BE BEAUTIFUL.

This does not mean a big make-over (although that can certainly be part of it) but it really means discovering themselves and their light which is what makes everyone beautiful. There is nothing more attractive than confidence and purpose. We have all seen this, even if we didn't recognize it as such. There is nothing more beautiful than being you. Then your sensuality shines through and comes out naturally.

I recently looked at a website that had body language tips for sensuality and realized I do most of them without even thinking when I'm feeling my best. Fake it till you make it works, and discovering you've already made it is incredible!

I invite you all to come on a journey with me and discover that you already have it, we just need to find ways to let it loose.

BE BEAUTIFUL, you fabulous women, you!