Tuesday, November 25, 2008


People have funny reactions to the word "sensuality". It is one of those simple words that has created a whole environment around it, and it's not all positive.

I have had a business coach for several years. He's seen me through a lot of things. He's seen a lot of growth and shifts in the way I approach my life and my ideas of business. When I announced myself last year at a meeting as "Your Sensuality Coach" he wasn't entirely, shall we say, thrilled. Even now I'm not entirely sure that he understands what it's all about. He has some baggage around the word that prevents him seeing what I'm presenting clearly. He's still a big help and I value his input, but I don't think he really understands my passion.

I met another coach last week. As soon as I told her my business idea and about my website, she got very excited. She understood immediately and wanted to work with me. She could tell I would be fun to work with - as of course I am (wink) - and I know we're going to have a great relationship.

The fact that one of these people is male and one is female, means nothing. I have met men who get what I have to say immediately. I have met women who swallow their tongues as soon as I say the S word.

What I find most intriguing is how often, during conversation, the word will change. The other party will begin with the word Sensuality and then unconsciously at some point change it to SeXuality. At first that really bothered me, but now it amuses me.

That is part of my mission. Helping people understand the difference. The root word of Sensuality is SENSE. When we are in full awareness of ourselves and the world around us we are Sensual. Yes, that does sometimes include sexuality as we discussed last week. But it is so much more!

When I feel good about myself, when I'm in a positive mood; my Sensuality shines through. I notice that people react to me differently. I become more open and friendly. I invite people in without a word and they want to talk to me, be near me, to know what's going on. Sensuality is a magnet. It draws in people, it attracts what you want into your life. It is the key to having a full life.

Since becoming in touch with who I am as a fully Sensual being so much has changed. My income is improved. I own a house and a new car for the first time ever. I have more and closer friendships. I am creating what I want in life and having a blast doing it!

I love being Sensual! How are you doing? Come with me so we can all BE BEAUTIFUL. I want to see you, so BE YOU!


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